Meet the Team

  • I had an idea. An idea to create a space to flow, breathe, sweat, let go, test, create, push, laugh, embrace, become. Become a community. Become your better you. Welcome to Flow Lab. Let’s #testyourtruth.

  • Movement is the ultimate privilege. Through yoga and exercise we get the opportunity to explore what our bodies are capable of doing and savor in the experience. My classes are focused on having the time to celebrate in everything you can do and all the opportunities you have to continue to be challenged, to learn, to find ease and to grow. With 14 years of yoga experience and over 7 years of teaching I hope to be able to share in these opportunities with you.

  • Bio to come.

  • Bio to come.

  • Recovering lawyer, fair-weather runner, irreverent mother, burpee lover. Make me laugh and I'll be your friend for life. Let's get sweaty!

  • I found yoga while working in the nonprofit sector with clients who experienced severe trauma. As a way to decompress from work and reduce my own stress from working with clients, I discovered the benefits of a regular yoga practice and how it enriched my life far beyond fitness. My curiosity about the history and philosophy of yoga continued to grow, so I joined a yoga teacher training. What I learned in that course was so impactful that I switched careers so I could teach yoga full time. After a hiatus from teaching due to the pandemic, I’m excited to return to teaching in a hot studio! Today, my yoga classes are thoughtful and slow - but don’t mistake “slow” for “easy”! I can’t wait to meet you on the mat!

  • Bio to come.

  • Work hard, play harder. I believe in giving 100% effort, being in with your whole heart and surrounding yourself with people that support you. Flow has given me a chance to be that support for others and I am honored to help you challenge yourself for an hour out of your day. Let's play.

  • Oppressed Human turned Free Yogi -- Clown -- Aspiring mindful leader -- alignment savvy -- movement and breath obsessed....

    "To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear" -Buddha

  • Hey everyone! My classes offer just the amount of creativity and intensity for all levels. I offer fun playlists to inspire, a safe space to practice, and the gentle reminder to come back to the moment.

    My passion is teaching and the play of movement. I am a dog mom to a sassy Chihuahua and have a slight obsession with plants of all kinds.

    Within my own yoga practice, I find gratitude in the calmness I allow myself to feel on my mat.

    I hope you'll join me for a class soon!

  • Soccer-holic, HR professional, woods-lover, who knows just where discipline and joy intersect and I'd love to show you. Let me be your spirit guide on your fitness journey, and I'll meet you where you are. Also, I dare you not to have fun in my class.

Find a Class

Our class schedule is updated regularly to allow you to book according to class type, time, and instructor.